Friday, 20 November 2015

Final Design

This is my final poster design and flyer. I have kept the design style the same for both and kept the layouts similar. I picked this design out of all of the others because it looks the most appealing and interesting out of the four I designed. I like the text style that I have chosen because it is readable but also good to look at. In my opinion, I think that this design works better as a poster instead of a flyer. I kept the design simple because I would not want to confuse the target market.

1 comment:

  1. presentation 20 11 15 deadline. Feedback:
    Some nice design work. Out of all the presentations we felt that the design sheets you produced 1-3 where the most professional looking.
    You spoke clearly but had to be prompted to make some basic points about the work you presented. Your sheets where well annotated and again the typing of this helped the overall feel of the work. The final designs did not flow from the research well and did not show the skill level we would expect.

    Your blog has about a half of the posts you should have.
    You have met this deadline in terms of having done the work – with some quite pleasing presentation and annotation. You need to be stronger with the development of the work and final ideas – which was weak.
    your blog is well annotated as well. This is a PASS
