Sunday 22 November 2015

Font Styles - Own Work

Font Styles

These are some of the font styles I had produced when I was coming up with a style to use for my poster.

The first style was using the font 'Lobster', personally, I like the look of this font but was unsure how to use it in a poster design that would be eye-catching. I tried to use a '3D' style with the font which seemed to work well but did not carry it through because it did not have any complexity to it.

For the second style, I used the font 'Thirsty Script'. I particularly liked the look of this font because of how much it curves from letter to letter. I went with a simple black and white vintage logo for this font because that was the style that this worked best with in my opinion. I did not use this font or style in my poster design because I did not want to have a black and white poster as I thought it would be too dull but I could have experimented more with colours and styles before making this decision.

With the final font, 'Pacifico', I once again attempted a vintage style. This time I used a range of colours and added dimensions to the lettering. The reason I used colours with this font in contrast to the previous font is because I felt that this font would work better on an almost 'poster-like' design.

Friday 20 November 2015

Final Design

This is my final poster design and flyer. I have kept the design style the same for both and kept the layouts similar. I picked this design out of all of the others because it looks the most appealing and interesting out of the four I designed. I like the text style that I have chosen because it is readable but also good to look at. In my opinion, I think that this design works better as a poster instead of a flyer. I kept the design simple because I would not want to confuse the target market.